Rubber Insulating Sleeves - Novax Class 3
Rubber Insulating Sleeves Class 3 / Novax - Malaysia
- Material: synthetic rubber.
- Color: yellow/orange
- Specifications:
+ Alternating voltage (AC): up to 26,500V.
+ Test voltage (AC): 30,000V/ 1 minute
+ 1-way voltage (DC): 39,750V.
+ DC test voltage: 60,000V/ 1 minute
+ The shoulder of the shirt is industrially manufactured and embedded with materials to create an elbow-shaped curve.
+ Total shoulder length: 616mm to 749mm. (±13mm)
+ Wrist width: 146mm to 178mm (± 6mm)
+ Shoulder width: 311mm to 327 mm (± 13mm)
Shoulder insulating jackets for indoor and outdoor use
0 ₫ 0.0 VND